Request A Refund

As you may know, our products are sold with a 60-day money-back Guarantee. Sometimes customers do not see the value of the report and ask for a refund because they could not understand it. We have a 98% satisfaction rate and have helped so many sellers on Craigslist. The Federal database report is not measured by the number of pages but by the number of negative events that are checked by NMVTIS.

Having Trouble? finding the process confusing? email us and we will help you:

It is worthwhile to note that reports sometimes look like there is "nothing" in them because the car is clean. If there were problems reported to us, you would see more information but since there are no problems reported, the car is clean. An "empty" report is a good thing. This does not mean that we did not check anything. In fact, we have checked 250 brands in 45 states, and checked 9000 of insurance companies and salvage companies. We provided you all the data that the Federal Government has in their database without holding anything back.

Remember that we did not make any guarantees about amount or quality of data for every VIN number and also gave a list of "what is included" in the report before the purchase was made. Please note also that just because another company has a 'better' and more expensive product does not mean that we have to give our product for free.
Here is an explanation from the Federal database:
Explanation of vehicle branding:

Given all the above, if you still wish to proceed with a refund, you can open a refund request below. It will be processed Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), from 9 am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time. You will be presented with 4 questions only.

You will need your Order Number:

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